Making Your Remote Work Experience Easy

Working Remotely, Work From Home, Working From Home, Remote Work, Home Office

Replaced the ole cubicle with the living room recently? If you’ve made the switch to working remotely here at the Lodges at Lake Salish, it’s best to dive in with the right tips. Here are some ways to make your work from home experience seamless!


Hone Your Home Office


While you have the choice to make your work meeting from bed in PJs, setting up a dedicated home office will be the better choice to retain your focus. To maximize productivity, consider setting up your desk away from your bedroom. That way, your mind will learn to separate your sleeping and working area from each other. For added mental clarity, set up your home office by a window that receives lots of sunshine. Those happy rays will do you good and keep stress at bay while you reach those deadlines.


Put Your Remote Work on a Schedule


It’s easy to lose track of your routine if you’re spending most of your time indoors. However, keeping a regular schedule going while you work from home can help you feel more in control. Waking up at the same time every day, wearing a fresh set of clothes, and keeping a planner listed with daily tasks are all great ways to stick to a healthy remote work schedule. Whether you’re an early bird or a night owl, you can create your own hourly habits to best suit your personality.


Give Yourself a Break While Working From Home


While some may struggle with finding motivation while working remotely, others may find it difficult not to overwork themselves! Interrupting your workflow with a set of healthy breaks just like any other workday will keep you functioning at your best. If you’re in front of a screen for most of the day, stick to the classic 20-20-20 routine! This break schedule reduces eye strain from the bright light of your laptop.


Your remote work transition will be breezy by following these tips! What are some other work from home hacks you’re sticking to? Let us know in the comments!