Do you find yourself looking forward to the change of seasons? If so, consider doing some spring cleaning beforehand to reduce the possibility of allergies and to just have a sense of freshness in your apartments. Spring cleaning is more than just the physical act itself, it’s also about sorting through your life to determine what is necessary and what is not.
That being said, one spring cleaning tip would be to “less is more”. Get rid of anything you deem excessive by donating it to the Goodwill, the Salvation Army, or even a friend in need.
Another spring cleaning tip would be to do a very deep clean of your apartments. If it’s a task that you find too daunting, consider finding a house keeper or using the app Task Rabbit to have someone certified to do the work for you.
If you plan on tackling spring cleaning yourself, then make yourself a little playlist on Spotify or YouTube to motivate yourself through the work.
For other useful spring cleaning tips, check out this helpful website. Try not to see spring cleaning as something daunting or boring, but rather meditative, productive, and useful. What will you start with first this year when it comes to spring cleaning?