Spring Decor Trends We Are Excited to See in 2024


When spring comes and all of mother nature throws off the drab greys of winter is a great time to refresh your indoor environment as well. If you’re looking for the latest designer trends. you’re in the right place. Apartment living can make the job a little more challenging but more rewarding as well. Let’s jump straight in with the latest apartment trends for your Fairview, OR luxury apartment.

Adding More Colors and Pastels

2024 Spring designer trends are all about colors and contrasts. The color palate for this year takes its inspiration directly from nature. Neutral tones are out and vibrant colors contrasted with soft pastel shades rule the day.

Beyond colors, mixing textures is in this year. Shiny smooth surfaces mixed with textured designs and natural forms create excitement and interest. Truly the possibilities this year are endless as long as you make it interesting.

Designer Finishes On A Budget

You may be thinking that incorporating these designer trends into your life would cost you a small fortune but it doesn’t have to. A little imagination and a small amount of work can create truly stunning effects.

Older side tables, planters, and such can be transformed and made new again with a little spray paint or chalk paint. You can apply metallic wallpaper to table tops, bookcases, and other smooth surfaces to create shiny, reflective surfaces that will brighten any room.

For a small investment, you can buy items from Home Goods and similar stores. Apply a coat of high-gloss paint in the colors of your choice. Instantly you have a designer piece all your own. If you have a bare-bones budget, Fairview Sunday Market offers a treasure trove of possibilities.

Apartment Trends With Flair

Taking your apartment living to the next level isn’t as difficult as you might believe. You can begin with small items and projects like new throws or framing a decorative scarf to add a splash of color. Cover or paint one table. The only real limit to what you can accomplish is your imagination.