Thanksgiving Football Festivities

Turkey Bowl

The Thanksgiving season is upon us! That means it’s time to take part in such time-honored traditions as, gathering ‘round the dinner table with loved ones, tucking into a delicious seasonal spread, and expressing all you’re grateful for. And don’t forget football! The Thanksgiving Day Turkey Bowl game is truly a regional tradition, but how did football get connected to the holiday in the first place?

Historical College Origins

Just six years after America’s very first Thanksgiving, Philadelphia, PA held a football match between The Young American Cricket Club and the Germantown Cricket Club. After this 1869 landmark game, another prominent American city would follow in Philadelphia’s footsteps. From 1876 to 1881, Yale and Princeton would play every year in New York City on Thanksgiving Day, making it clear to see that the holiday match was beginning to stick. When the Intercollegiate Football Association would recognize Thanksgiving Day football as a national event in 1882, the rest was history. Today, watching or playing football on Thanksgiving is as American as apple pie! As for the term “Turkey Bowl”? When high school teams participating in the custom would name their games after the gobbling bird, the phrase simply gained popularity!

Big Game Turkey Bowl

Excited to take part in your own seasonal football festivities? Well, you definitely won’t have any trouble finding football games to watch on Thanksgiving this year! The NFL will host three heart-stopping matches throughout the day: Chicago Bears v. Detroit Lions, Buffalo Bills v. Dallas Cowboys, and New Orleans Saints v. Atlanta Falcons. Click here for their schedules so you can plan ahead to sit back, relax, and enjoy with the family from the comfort of your living room.

Spread the Seasonal Sports Spirit!

While watching from home sure is comfy, especially after tucking into that turkey dinner, viewing the game with some sports fans can truly up the ante. Check out this list for just a selection of local bars open on Thanksgiving, perfect for viewing the game. There, you can sip on a few brews and make some new football friends, and perhaps some friendly rivalries! Rather throw a Turkey Bowl of your own? Organizing a football game with your neighbors from Lodges at Lake Salish at a public park is a great way to get active while staying in the Thanksgiving spirit!


If you’re unsure what day is Thanksgiving 2019, keep November 28th posted up. Whether you prefer to watch the pros duke it out from your sofa, on a barstool with a cocktail or two, or you do decide to toss that pigskin yourself with fellow residents, you might just feel a little closer to the American roots of the holiday this year. Have a happy Turkey Bowl!

Celebrate Thanksgiving in Your Fairview Apartments

“Gratitude always comes into play; research shows that people are happier if they are grateful for the positive things in their lives, rather than worrying about what might be missing.” Dan Buettner, Thrive: Finding Happiness the Blue Zones Way

It doesn’t matter what side of history you choose to examine Thanksgiving from, because these days, it’s simply an opportunity to get friends and family together for the sake of sharing good company.

Despite if you find yourself going through a rough patch in your life, there are several things to be grateful for, such as your health, the health of your loved ones, the friendships you have, whatever savings (no matter how small) you may have, and of course, the wonderful apartments you have in Fairview.

Try using Thanksgiving as an opportunity to find peace with what you have instead of lamenting about what you don’t have. To celebrate this special opportunity, here are tremendous suggestions on Pinterest that should help you get motivated. If you’d rather eat out in Fairview instead of cooking and cleaning at your apartments, consider bringing your family, friends, or dates out to a classy restaurant in town instead.

How will you make this Thanksgiving special this year?